Friday, June 19, 2009

Why don't Tamils learn Hindi?

Does this title sound familiar for many Tamils? The moment you step out of Tamil Nadu, each and every tamilian encounters this and expected to answer. The place could be work, just a social gathering, train station, bus station and you name it.

When people ask me this question, my first response to them would be "did they know atleast one word in any one of south indian languages?" Their response would be "NO" and to make their point even stronger, they would ask you "Hindi is national language of India, why should I learn a regional language?"

Some of my responses (please feel free to use it) and they would never ask you this question again -

1. First of all, Hindi is not a National language. It is one of the official language. They will be shocked to learn this.

2. India is a Federal Republic which means it is federation of states with each has it own identity.

3. Tamil is very rich language in terms of everything in par, if not exceeds sanskirt (note, I did not say Hindi which does not have any of these qualities). How can I forget my beloved Thiruvalluvar and millions of greatest people contributed to the richness of this language and humanity. Which languages has - "Yaathum Oorae, Yaavarum Kaeler" (all the world's our home and the world's people are all interrelated)

4. Out of all the Indian languages, Tamil is the only language which is an official language in more than 3 three countries. How come they missed out Hindi?!!! as the official language in these countries. May be we should colonise them and make Hindi as a National langugage, sorry official language there too.

5. Language is not only just a language, it brings character, culture, business, economy etc., This language produced some of the brightest musicians in the world (Yes, the first Indian Oscar winner is produced by this language and region) and the best music in the world. Whom are we going to sell if Hindi wants to wipe out everything.

6. Policy of "One language India" is not going to make India Super Power or Eradicate Poverty from India or Improve lives of millions of Indians". Look at Europe. European Union does not have common language. Ask a French why don't they learn English and replace French with English in Franch! Does not it sound stupidity.

I am not against learning Hindi. If one wishes to learn, he should not be banned from learning. But I am against any individual or Govt forcing what they think right should be right to others without knowing other side.

So, When someone asks you "Why don't learn Hindi?", you know what you should answer...

My fellow Hindi speakers, before asking this question again to a non-hindi speaker, think before you ask this question. Don't project yourself as immature and an idiot!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Legacy of Karunanidhi & Family Politics in Tamil Nadu

As we all know Politics is "Art or Science of Government". In other words, Progressive Goverment with the best interests of the people whom it governs.

It is no surprise, every state government ruled Tamil Nadu after independence cheated the people(of course central which I will ignore here for the time being) of this state and accumulated wealth for them and their families for multi generations. While this is happening, the citizens of this state lost a big time including their freedom of speech. All of these Tamil Nadu chief minister's M. Karunanidhi is the worst of all and the pioneer of corruption in novel ways. Look at the guy who could not afford one meal a day to one of the richest person in Asia without any significant contribution to humanity.

Here is the list why he should be booted out -
1. Cauvery Water Issue:
- His party held cabinet positions multiple times and he never opted of Water and Irrigation Department to solve one of the urgent requirement for Tamil Nadu state. Countless farmers and families lots their livelihood and he never bothered to take any actions

2. Handing over Katchatheevu

3. Running a democratic state like a family business

4. Old world politics - Imaging what will be MK's IQ will be. He never visited any other part of the world and see how the modern world works. How to improve the state etc.,

5. Bad economic policies - Free stuff and dont think about long term solution to state improvement

6. Basic freedom of speech is lost

7. Never stood up for Tamils

8. Part of Tamils Genocide in Srilanka in 2009

9. Never had the dignity to be good statesman

I can keep adding the list. But the bottom line, this MK dynasty should be ousted out of Tamil Nadu for the better of our children and grand childran.

If we dont take any action, we never going to get any respect from our future generations and they for sure will say we were cowards to live under this guy's rule.

Reservation Policy in Tamil Nadu

The reservation policy in India is one of the most hot topics which touches very Indian citizen. People of every generation is affected by one way or other by this policy. We all heard all spectrum of arguments from strong advocate to strong opposer.

In this article I am going to limit myself to Reservation Policy of Tamil Nadu which is my state. The reservation policy of Tamil Nadu is unique compared to the other parts of India. Being the student of maths and science, and as an engineer by profession, I rely on data than hypothetical argument (aka fallacy argument).

There are various proposals, how the reservation should be done and in most cases everyone advocates what is best for them ignoring the society (tamils) as a variable in their equation. Based on the available data from TN gov website, the total population of tamil nadu and reservation percentage is as follows -

* Category (% population) (%reservation)
* BC (46.14%) (30%)
* MBC (20.87%) (20%)
* Scheduled Classes(19%) (18%)
* Scheduled Tribes(1.04%) (1%)
* Others(12.95%) ----

From the above table, confirmed 69% of reservation is allocated to 87.05% of the population and 31% is shared by 100% of the population. Now to justify population ratio to available reservation there should be 1:1 match.

For BC - 30% confirmed and need to grab 16.14% from 31% common pool
For MBC - 20% confirmed and need to grab 0.87% from 31% common pool
For SC - 18% confirmed and need to grab 1% from 31% common pool
For ST - 1% confirmed and need to grab 0.04% from 31% common pool
For OC - 0% confirmed and need to grab 12.95% from 31% common pool

From the above details, it is very clear the loosers of this reservation policy is BC and not OC! as we hear from the media which is controlled by vested interest groups. On the other hand, the biggest beneficiary is ST and MBC and not even SC!

Of course this is just one part of the equation. There is a possibility that the BC could capture all of 31% or MBC could capture all of 31% or SC could capture all of 31% or ST could capture all of 31% or some combinations of these. But the problem is, nobody views OC as really OC. For example, when a BC student grabs enough mark to be in OC, depending on who is taking the decision, he may be put in BC or OC. This gets even skewed when OC cutoff is less than BC cutoff then every BC should come under OC!

Original BC quota of 50% for 70% of the population is split as 30% for BC population and 20% for MBC population. Again the entire BC community lost a big time when the law was passed.

How do we as backward classes get back the lost share?

* Continue to grab biggest of the pie from 31%.
* Never let this 31% go down from OC
* Whenever any BC is eligible as a OC, move to OC and please dont occupy BC quota
* Whenever any BC community wants to move to MBC please encourage them to do so. In other words try to bring BC population to reservation % as close to 1:1
* Dont accept any increase in BC population by accepting new groups inside.

Rather than complaining, we need to have major political representation what they have for MBC to serve the best interest of BC community in order for our children and grand children to continue to enjoy the resources we are entitled to.